October 2023 saw Apleona UK host our Supplier Day attended by 37 supply chain partners.
This year’s central focus was on sustainability, carbon reporting and innovation. Through presentations and workshops we relayed key messages, shared best practice and explored areas of future collaboration.

Katerina continued to share some insights regarding modern slavery and how many businesses are not aware that this may be taking place within their operations and supply chains.
Sanil Singh, Head of Procurement gave an update on how Apleona has been working with supplier Ogilvie, the UK’s leading independent leasing company. Ogilvie have been supporting us with electrifying our fleet and Sanil shared some encouraging statistics.
The first of two workshops was based around these topics. Participants were asked to discuss and share what their company was doing in regard to sustainability and the SDG’s, if they knew about the risks of modern slavery and also if they needed help or support from Apleona on any of this. Katerina comments: “It was incredibly positive to see how keen everyone was to share opportunities and also challenges they were facing.”

The afternoon agenda surrounded discussions for potential Apleona/Supplier collaboration via charitable events and social value projects. Watch this space in 2024 to find out more!
Sanil comments on the day: “The day was a huge success and the feedback has been excellent. The core of any good business is good supply chain and without this we are nothing. I want to continue to build these relationships with our suppliers. We are already planning the next event!”
We recieved some fantastic feedback from the day. Here are just some of the comments made:

Thank you to representatives from our suppliers for attending the day and for your valuable contributions: Aaron Access Limited, Accent Services (AC) Ltd, Carrier Air Conditioning, Chase Equipment, Chubb Fire & Security Ltd, Cleen-Rite 2000 Limited, Concept Building Services (Southern) Ltd, CRE8 Security Ltd, EDG Facilities Services Limited, EDSB Ltd, E-ON Control Solutions Ltd, Galaxon Ltd, HSS Pro Service Ltd, Ioma Clothing Company Ltd, Lavazza UK Professional Ltd, Nationwide Hygiene Suppliers Limited, Nurture Landscapes Limited, Omega Red Group Limited, PHS Group Limited, Pickerings Limited, Shenton Global Ltd, Sunbelt Rentals Ltd, Unblock Drainage Engineers Ltd, Bunzl UK Ltd, Novus Compliance Services Ltd, Bidfood, YESSS Electricals.
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