Gold trophy at the Green Apple Awards

Gold trophy at the Green Apple Awards

For the second year running, Apleona UK celebrates receiving a Green Apple Award.

Apleona UK were just one of five companies to achieve a Gold status in the Property Management category for our outstanding efforts in Energy Management. Property Management was the largest sector this year with over 250 entries. There were 5 Golds awarded, which puts Apleona’s entry in the top 3%.

The Green Apple Environment Awards were launched in 1994 by The Green Organisation and have become well established as one of the most popular environmental campaigns in the world. They are designed to recognise, reward and promote environmental best practice.

A company’s carbon footprint has long been so much more than just a footnote in a sustainability report. Apleona’s Roadmap to Net Zero, which is available to view here , defines key milestones to reach Net Zero Carbon by 2045.

As a large FM business, we recognise our role in supporting decarbonisation and helping our clients reducing their energy bills and we want to ensure that the buildings we operate are as efficient as possible.

In 2023, we have appointed our Energy Champions across key contracts to help identify projects which can save energy, carry out energy audits to highlight any areas where energy may be wasted, and offer advice to building owners to reduce their energy bills.

We have also created tools such as the Energy Pocket Guide audit checklist to record the findings from energy surveys and track the actions and recommendations made by our Energy Champions.,

Across a number of key client sites we use our own digital monitoring platform ‘Enerlutec’. Enerlutec provides comprehensive analysis of half-hourly meter readings, sub-meters and utility bills. Addtionally, it creates heat-maps, trends of usage and validates energy invoices. This helps us understand where and when energy is used and further optimise the lighting, heating and ventilation of the building.

Concurrently, within our business, we have upgraded the heating system at our busiest office in Scotland. We have installed IoT sensors in our warehouse and office in Leeds, measuring temperature, occupancy and CO2 levels to help us further optimise the energy usage in this building. We have also amended the times when assets get switched on in the morning and re-negotiated our energy contracts to procure 100% electricity from renewable sources.

We engage with our supply chain partners through our Innovation Committee to learn about their latest products supporting carbon reductions. As a result, we have conducted a number of energy-saving trials to enhance our knowledge and to test applicability and efficiency of these products.

Katerina Robinson, Sustainability Manager, comments: ‘I am very proud. The Property Management category received over 250 entries. Being awarded the Gold trophy for the second year running is amazing.’

Pictured above, alongside our award, are a number of our dedicated Apleona Energy Champions who significantly contributed to this success!

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