This International Women’s Day (IWD) campaign is ‘Inspire Inclusion’. This IWD we highlight the perspectives of just some of our female colleagues – who are not only intrinsic in driving awareness but also showcase and celebrate the diverse talents and contributions of women in the workplace.
41.71% of the Apleona UK workforce are females and this is higher than the industry average, which statistics suggest is ratio of 66% male to 34% female.

Kirsty Stevens is Support Services Director at Apleona CTS. She comments: ‘As a female in a leadership position in the FM industry, I’ve faced some challenges over the years particularly with the M&E industry being traditionally male-dominated. However, at Apleona CTS I am part of a team of strong, inspiring women and am really proud to be part of a business that recognises and promotes women based on talent. I am very appreciative that the Senior Management Team here 100% has my back and I know that my voice at the table is heard and I am recognised as being as important as anyone else in the team and wider business. I hope to use my position to encourage women to in FM roles.’
Jo Rushton, Performance Manager at one of our manufacturing client sites, has a background in engineering. Jo reflects on her early career: ‘I went from Junior Draughtsperson to Senior Design Engineer in ten years. Unfortunately, in those days women in engineering were few and far between and I had to be 100% better than a man to be seen to be their equal. It was an interesting period to go through and you learn how to get what you want without shouting or being rude. Now, things are much different. The team I work with is still mostly male but they are a fantastic team and very supportive.’
Rachel Broughton-Stronghill, Regional Director has been at Apleona UK since 2007 and says: ‘I continue to have a truly rewarding career in facilities management and have done for almost 30 years! I have certainly noticed an increased presence of females in senior positions, especially in the past few years and I think that is fantastic. I can’t stress enough that working in FM is a fantastic opportunity for females and one I would recommend. It’s detailed orientated, you need excellent organisational skills, be great at communication and be an expert problem solver.’
Tint Tint Aung has recently been promoted to a Senior Commercial Manager role and has had a positive experience with Apleona, saying: ‘For the most part of my career here I have worked in a close-knit team mainly consisting of female colleagues, and I’ve felt this is an encouraging reflection on the progress towards inclusivity. It shows the value of collaboration and empowerment among women in driving success within their own areas of expertise.’
Finally, Emma Kinsella’s perspective as a young female in FM reflects another bright outlook on the inclusivity and diversity within the industry. She says: ‘As an Apleona Business Graduate, I am lucky enough to have been privy to so many parts of the business and getting to meet so many people from different backgrounds. I have received such indispensable guidance from my peers. Right now I am supporting Katerina Robinson, our Head of Sustainability and here I am learning so much! FM truly is a career choice for all genders, and I am optimistic to see more of a 50/50 split in the not so long future.’
Apleona UK remains strongly committed to supporting the principles of equality and diversity in the workplace, as we continue our pledge to ensuring gender balance through an inclusive and engaging culture.
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